Surveyors/Geodetic Engineers began by looking at the stars. Between the huge clear northern sky
and the vast open lands to the west lies the colorful history of land surveying. They do it because it is a vocation
which will give such pleasure, so lasting and so deep-- for embracing the art and science of precision and measurement.
They take our many boundaries - national, provincial, natural and urban parks, private residential
property, airports, roads, oil well sites, irrigation ditches, to name but a few, almost for granted.
The skills of
the surveyor/geodetic engineer are everywhere we look. It is the notes, sketches, and calculations of surveyors which gives
us the maps and plans to order our world. Modern surveying and mapping techniques has a short, but astonishingly full, history.
Surveyors/Geodetic Engineers were among those who saw it as it had been for millennia and they were often the first
harbinger of change and development.